SDGs initiatives

West Japan Glass Recycle Center’s SDGs initiatives

Of the 17 SDGs, we are focusing our efforts particularly on four goals: 5, 8, 12 &13.

5. Gender equality

By pro-actively employing a diverse range of people, regardless of gender or age, we are working towards gender equality.

8. Decent work and economic growth

We support each of our staff with training and help them in obtaining professional qualifications to improve their skill sets and provide increased job satisfaction.

12. Responsible consumption and production

We’ve added ‘reliance’ to the 3 Rs of recycling and, by promoting 4 Rs, aim to achieve sustainable consumption and production.

13. Climate action

We strive to recycle every kind of waste glass into cullet.
By encouraging use of this recycled cullet as raw material for new glass products, we aim to help reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate climate change.